Build your career at Jayesh International School

Explore why people are liking Jayesh International School and what it provides and join us. It is the best school in Jaipur and it is like a home for the students. We provide the best education with extracurricular activities. We are very proud to be telling you about our school which is located in the midst of the beautiful Aravalli Hills of Jaipur.

    Top-ranked school for teaching

    We offer a full range of educational opportunities for children of all ages. We have excellent facilities including, our spacious school buildings and fields, Children’s Centre, Dawn Till Dusk Childcare provision, and school library. We are very proud of the successes of our school, the excellent relationships we have with our children, families, and friends within our community and the team of people who work hard to make our school a happy place where we learn together in friendship.

    Best International School

    Jayesh International School is not just a school it is a home for the students. We provide the best education with the extracurricular activities.

    Best Education

    We offer a full range of educational opportunities for children of all ages. We have excellent facilities including, our spacious school buildings and fields.

    Library And Labs

    We believe the library & labs are. an essential part of one’s learning as it is the source of life-giving knowledge for the school.

    Top-ranked school for teaching

    Jayesh International School is the top-ranked school for teaching and it is like a home for the students. It provides the best education with extracurricular activities and it has the best experience teaching staff.






    Enhance Skills


    Art & Play



    Computer Aknowledgement

    Connect with Technologies


    Dance & Festival




    Go with Passion

    Join Jayesh International School today !

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        Professional Teachers
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        Sq. yards of land
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        Jayesh International School is the best school in Jaipur and it is like a home for the students. It provides the best education with extracurricular activities and it has highly experienced teachers who have experience of at least 15 years.

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